The Petasis reaction (alternatively called the Petasis borono–Mannich (PBM) reaction) is the multi-component reaction of an amine, a carbonyl, and a vinyl- or aryl-boronic acid to form substituted amines. Reported in 1993 by Nicos Petasis as a practical method towards the synthesis of a geometrically pure antifungal agent, naftifine.

The header image for this article is a photograph taken by Johannes Plenio as found on Pexels.. Today the sitting was better, more focused than the last couple of mornings when I have struggled to stay on the button, struggled to keep concentration tight enough so as not be continually losing sight of the meditation object, struggling to place it in the mind’s eye. Tetrasubstituted allenes via the palladium-catalysed Sep 23, 2019 Metal-free C–C bond formation via coupling of nitrile

European Journal of Organic Chemistry: Vol 2020, No 24

Petasis reaction Petasis reaction The Petasis reaction is the chemical reaction of an amine , aldehyde , and vinyl - or aryl - boronic acid to form substituted amines. [ cite journal | author = Petasis, N. A.; Akritopoulou, I. | journal = Tetrahedron Lett. SAMDI Mass Spectrometry-Enabled High-Throughput SAMDI Mass Spectrometry-Enabled High-Throughput Optimization of a Traceless Petasis Reaction Authors: Diagne AB, Li S, Perkowski GA, Mrksich M, Thomson RJ ACS Comb Sci., 2015 Nov 9;17(11):658-62 View Resource

SCOTT E. SCHAUS - Boston University

High throughput analysis enables high throughput