Buffered I/O is intended to speed up future reads and writes to the same file but it has an associated overhead cost. It is effective for speeding up access to files that may change periodically or get accessed frequently. There are two buffered I/O functions commonly used in Windows Applications such as Explorer, Copy, Robocopy or XCopy:

Sluggish file copying gets spurred on by RoboCopy and Nov 11, 2013 language agnostic - Buffered vs unbuffered IO - Stack Overflow You want unbuffered output when you already have large sequence of bytes ready to write to disk, and want to avoid an extra copy into a second buffer in the middle.. Buffered output streams will accumulate write results into an intermediate buffer, sending it to the OS file system only when enough data has accumulated (or flush() is requested). This reduces the number of file system calls.

I was looking at the actual syscalls that robocopy makes and one of them is to NtQueryVolumeInformationFile to see if either path is a remote, UNC or not. If so, then it disables local file buffering and it also uses different I/O buffer size.

Java Copy File - 4 Ways to Copy File in Java - JournalDev

Copying a File or Directory (The Java™ Tutorials

Overview. XCOPY stands for extended copy, and was created as a more functional file copying utility than the copy command found in earlier operating systems. XCOPY first appeared in DOS 3.2.. While still included in Windows 10, XCOPY has been deprecated in favor of robocopy, a more powerful copy tool, which is now built into the Microsoft Windows Server and Desktop operating systems. What’s the Difference Between TCP and UDP? Jul 03, 2017 copy - Long 'pause' after copying large files on windows Buffers are allocated out of the OS memory pool. Its not possible to have 50Gb of I/O ops waiting to be written out. That would exceed the total physical memory on the Server. This has nothing to do with buffers. If it did it would occur with all media and it doesn't. Internal SAS drives do not see this behaviour and they too are buffered. Copying a File or Directory (The Java™ Tutorials Buffered Streams. Scanning and Formatting. Scanning. Formatting. I/O from the Command Line. Data Streams. Object Streams. File I/O (Featuring NIO.2) What Is a Path? (And Other File System Facts) The Path Class. Path Operations. File Operations. Checking a File or Directory. Deleting a File or Directory.