Shareholder Voting One of your key rights as a shareholder is the right to vote your shares in corporate elections. Shareholder voting rights give you the power to elect directors at annual or special meetings and make your views known to company management and directors on significant issues that may affect the value of your shares.

how to vote online for the 2020 Annual Shareholder Meeting. If you received a Notice and would like to receive a printed copy of our proxy materials, please follow the instructions for requesting such materials included in the Notice. Whenever an important decision or two needs to be taken by a public company; a proxy ballot along with a booklet is being sent to every shareholder of the company via mail. The booklet is called proxy statement and it contains information about the issues that the shareholders need to vote on. I know a bit about the proxy advisory ecosystem, so I can provide something of a generic summary, though nothing specific to EA. In the U.S., there are five different companies that advise institutional investors about how they should vote their shares: Institutional Shareholder Services, Glass Lewis, Egan-Jones, Segal Marco Advisors, and ProxyVote Plus. A “proxy” is the appointment of a person to act for you in terms of voting your shares and/or in terms of exercising your various rights as a shareholder under the bylaws and statutory law of the state of incorporation.

May 15, 2012 · What is a Proxy Vote? Every year there is an annual meeting and in between, any number of special meetings can pop up that need a shareholder’s vote. These votes can be done in person. But jumping on a plane every time a shareholder vote is needed can be excessive. This is why the company provides the option of a proxy vote.

Download shareholder materials Submit To access materials without a control number: Click here to view Proxy Materials or Information Statements for the Fidelity funds. Shareholder Voting Under state law, shareholders may vote at an annual or special meeting. However, since most people live hundreds of miles away from these meetings and are too busy to attend, the law permits shareholders to vote by “proxy” without being present in person. Most shareholders vote this way.

If you don't attend the annual shareholder meeting online via a webcast or in person, there are several ways to cast a proxy ballot. You will receive a Proxy Card or Voting Instruction Form (VIF) either via US postal mail or email.

Jun 19, 2020