Internet censorship - Wikipedia

Aug 22, 2019 · Worst Countries for Internet Freedom. Free and open internet access isn’t a worldwide phenomenon. The countries below have been ranked as the most restrictive places for using the web. They engage in everything from censorship to site blocking, traffic throttling, search result shaping, surveillance, and more. If you live in or visit any of Jul 25, 2018 · Internet censorship is a growing problem worldwide. Bloggers, journalists and average internet users are finding it more and more difficult to access the content they seek. Internet Censorship Around The World. In this age of instant information, you’d think that access would be unlimited. After all, the Internet is only a click away. Feb 05, 2014 · Top 10 Internet-censored countries. China has the most rigid censorship program in the world. The government filters searches, block sites and erases "inconvenient" content, rerouting search Dec 06, 2018 · Most democratic states have moderate censorship, but some countries enforce strict censorship. Countries censor the internet for various reasons such as to control the spread of propaganda and fake news online, prevent access to obscene materials, copyrights, harassment, and to promote the use of domestic products. This very much depends on what you consider censorship. Most countries enforce legal content in their country so that websites that host content that is illegal will likely be shut down. May 24, 2018 · Internet censorship happens right across the world. In some places access to social media is forbidden, in others, such as the UK, internet service providers may only put a block on sites that may lead to pirated movies for example. Some countries are very liberal, others have strict content and access rules. The current technological movement gives the impression that the internet is unrestrained: read on to find out about seven countries enforcing censorship of the internet In today’s technological age, you won’t be hard pressed to find someone nearby using the internet.

Nov 01, 2018 · Thirty-six countries sent representatives to Chinese training programs on censorship and surveillance since January 2017. Another 18 countries have purchased monitoring technology or facial recognition systems from Chinese companies during the same time frame.

Mar 28, 2016 · Egyptians have long fought with their government for less oppressive censorship. Within the past few years, Egypt has witnessed many types of media censorship, from Internet to television. During the Arab Spring, the people of Egypt, Libya, and Syria witnessed full Internet shutdowns as their respective governments tried to end protests. Feb 27, 2017 · Most democratic countries have little Internet censorship, mainly to control piracy. However, some countries limit access to information and suppress discussion among citizens, often in anticipation of elections, protests, and riots. Freedom of the Internet is not a guarantee. Sources. List of Countries of the World

Sep 10, 2019

The extent of internet censorship varies by a nation to nation. Besides the most democratic countries of the world have the moderate internet censorship while the other countries go as far as to limit the access of information such as suppress discussion and the news among the citizens of that nations. Image source Countries that censor their internet Different ideas and aspects of free speech are censored in different countries, and a surprisingly high number of countries censor their internet in some way. Countries with well-known strict regimes such as North Korea are amongst the most controlling. In fact, alongside Eritrea, North Korea is Nov 14, 2016 · Two-thirds of the world's internet users live under regimes of government censorship, according to a report released today. The report from Freedom House, a pro-democracy think tank, finds that Apr 20, 2019 · Authoritarian governments all over the world have used internet censorship to repress democracy and education, but internet censorship has adverse effects in developed, “democratic” countries too. In the U.S., companies have wielded the DMCA to censor online technology discourse. Nov 12, 2016 · Almost every country in the world. I remember one of my former Australian colleague who is afraid of even googling CIA on her laptop, fearing of being snooped by intelligence agencies.