What is an IMSI Catcher, and why should I care? - Steven

The IMSI Catcher is a device that can read the IMSI and also the IMEI number of a mobile phone. The catcher is used for military investigations to monitor suspicious persons. The device pretends to be a base station and thus builds up a small mobile radio cell. IMSI Catchers | Pentura Labs's Blog Nov 20, 2013 Android IMSI-Catcher Detector - Android Open Source Projects IMSI-Catchers also allow adversaries to intercept your conversations, text messages, and data. Police can use them to determine your location or to find out who is in a given geographic area at what time. Although our app is fully Open Source, developing it is a lot of work and done by privacy enthusiasts during their free time. IMSI-Catcher Detector on Secure Phone - Secure Group Support The IMSI catchers are yet another way for someone to intercept your mobile device connectivity and compromise your information security. On Secure Phone, there’s a custom app, IMSI-Catcher Detector, that takes care of such threats. It is a monitoring app that scans your surroundings and provides you with an updated map of reliable cell towers.

Open 2 terminals: In terminal 1 entern in the desktop directory to save UnZip Oros42/IMSI-catcher and insert: sudo python simple_IMSI-catcher.py --sniff. You can add -h to display options. In terminal 2 insert (example): gr-gsm-livemon –f 939.9M

An open source app to detect fake base stations (IMSI-Catcher / StingRay) as well as silent SMS in GSM/UMTS networks on your mobile phone. Open Source Android app to detect attacks of IMSI-Catchers / StingRay and silent SMS. Nov 27, 2016 · Discover open source projects and other ways you can get involved to help make cellular technologies safer for users. (IMSI Catcher) - Who's Spying on Your Phone - Part 2 - Duration: 18:27. Nov 20, 2013 · It is an Android open-source based project to detect and (hopefully one day) avoid fake base stations (IMSI-Catchers) or other base-stations (mobile antennas) with poor/no encryption. This project aims to warn users if the ciphering is turned off and also enables several other protection-mechanisms.

Protecting High-Level Personnel from IMSI Catchers | 2020

In the last several years, ad hoc groups, hackers, and researchers have built their own IMSI catchers, some in the spirit of the open-source movement. Multiple press reports refer to Chris (now Kristen) Paget’s 2010 DEFCON presentation “Practical Cell Phone Spying.” IMSI | Hackaday