[SOLVED] DNS not resolving - LinuxQuestions.org

Apr 08, 2020 · If all devices within your home or office are giving page load errors, then change the router DNS to Google or Open DNS servers. You’ll have to consult your router manufacturer for how to do this, but it is generally done within the admin pages, most commonly by logging onto or similar. So i just installed linux mint 13 x64. and it seems dns is not working right. I can ping a server by ip but if i put in its DNS name it does not work. just says it cannot find that host. i am getting my ip address via DHCP and it is giving out the proper DNS servers. Any ideas? Mar 13, 2020 · However, the process should be similar on most Linux distros. Flush DNS Cache in Linux in 2020. Before we get to our tutorial, let’s see first if DNS caching is enabled on your machine or not. Checking if DNS Caching is Enabled. All Linux distros do not behave the same way, when it comes to things like caching DNS. For example, Ubuntu, by If you're having problems connecting, it doesn't take much work to see if DNS is the cause, and if it is, to try to fix it. To find out whether DNS is a potential culprit when you're having trouble

DNS Not working - Linux Mint Forums

Nov 02, 2019

How to verify whether DNS is working correctly

It is important to not share the Validate IP Link with anyone! It is particular and unique for every single client. If you give or share it with other people, your Smart DNS service won’t be working. Part II. Change your Linux Ubuntu DNS server address. This has to be done only once. This is a bug report This is a feature request I searched existing issues before opening this one Expected behavior As in docker-for-mac and docker-for-windows, inside a container, the DNS name host.docker.internal resolves to an IP addr I have tried proxychains by having following amendments at nano /etc/proxychains.conf uncommenting dynamic_chain commenting strict and random chain uncommenting Proxy dns request - no leaks for dns