OpenVPN - tap interfaces and default gateway - Server Fault

Setting a static IP, default gateway, and nameservers via Setting a static IP, default gateway, and nameservers via PowerShell I needed to set up a number of Windows server VMs (Windows 2012R2) as a test bed for a vulnerability scanning suite. This would have been fast & easy using AWS EC2 instances (or Azure!), but I decided to use my internal VMWare infrastructure instead. Can I enable "Use default gateway on remote network" on Apr 07, 2015

How to Set Static IP Address in Windows 10

How to Set a Default Gateway in Windows | Techwalla

How to Add a Static TCP/IP Route to the Windows Routing Table

How To Change IP Address in Windows 10: A Visual Guide And this is how you change the IP address in Windows 10. Sometimes, along with the IP address, you are also given Subnet mask, Default gateway and DNS Server address by your network administrator. Setting a static IP, default gateway, and nameservers via Setting a static IP, default gateway, and nameservers via PowerShell I needed to set up a number of Windows server VMs (Windows 2012R2) as a test bed for a vulnerability scanning suite. This would have been fast & easy using AWS EC2 instances (or Azure!), but I decided to use my internal VMWare infrastructure instead.